Ivy Online by W!SE
Language training at home
Ivy Online Top 1% Video Training
The quality of education chosen by 5,000 enrolled students
The secret of the top 1% of volcanoes in the Seoul National University Science Gifted High School
Ivy's Secret W!SE Method
Scientific Learn-by-doing
Fluent expression and excellent score
This is a natural result .
- Beginner's Reading Expert -
"It all starts with the phonics method. A student needs to master letters in their uppercase and lowercase forms, and the sounds attached to them. Once they have mastered these, reading will follow naturally."
-Exam Preparation Expert-
Learn vocabulary words,
their synonyms, and associated vocabulary. Learn to recognize question patterns and where to look for answers in a given passage. Practice. There is no test that you can't learn to be better at."
"Writing is one of the best ways to learn a language. By studying what others have written, you get the confidence to express yourself with your own words. Everyone has something to write about. It's the teacher's responsibility to find what that is for every student."
Study with an expert
Ivy Online
10,000 hours of lecture experience +
All instructors, TESOL, UK Completion
One-to-one matching of experts in all lectures
Choose a proven course
Continuous R&D since 2008
From Immersion ESL to iELTS/SAT/GRE
The path to pass the Ivy League at Youngjae High School of Volcanoes
Is the most efficient use of time and effort.
For one-to-one lessons with instructor authoring textbooks
영어의 필수능력과 배경지식을 익히는 ESL이머전
내신과 수능 1등급을 회화로 완성하는 Mastery
토플 텝스 SAT 점수 향상을 보장하는 TEST Prep
화산중 영재고 서울대 아이비리그 합격의 비결?
시간 허비 없이 전문가와 검증된 수업을 하세요!
Closed for 12 consecutive years without advertisement and promotion
Why do students and parents recommend to acquaintances?
Effects guaranteed by students
Volcano Middle School* Foreign Language High School* Seoul National University*
Admitted students are recommended to relatives
Courses with different levels of effectiveness
It is a 1:1 education company that has been investing in the production of textbooks optimized for one-on-one classes since 2007.
Learning process is enjoyable
The two cultures meet every day and realize the differences
Learning the joy of sharing and growth
n ff
Online and offline connection of classes
We provide online training for your skills that have quickly simmered offline.
10 years experience , qualified instructor
Not a call center employee, a college student tutor
10 years of experience+ teacher with TESOL
Education with students
Rather than fitting students into one system
We consider multiple systems for one person
Register wisely
In-depth from consultation to registration with one Kakao Talk
Ivy Language Academy is an educational institution that students and parents trust and introduce.
There are always a lot of shortcomings, but looking for more permanent solutions for students
At every moment, we will make wise choices for students with the heart of the teacher.
되고 싶어요
온라인 수업이라
같은 공간에 있지는 못하지만
함께 시간을 보내면서
보람된 추억을 만들고 싶습니다.
학생이 영어만 배우는 것이 아니라
무엇이든 해보는 자신감과
결과를 향한 집념을 기르도록
열심히 돕는 '찐샘'이 되고 싶습니다.
언제 연락해도 학생은 교사에게
늘 반가운 소식입니다!
한 번 더 묻고 연락하고 배우세요!
등록정원이 있는 아이비Online
학생을 한명 더 받는 것보다 학생이 하나 더 배울 수 있도록,
30명의 검증된 교사가 120명의 학생만 책임교육합니다.
1달 한번 참관수업과 정기상담
1대1로 오래 공부하면 상황을 객관적으로 보지 못합니다.
전문가가 향상도/호흡/더 좋은 공부법을 함께 고민하겠습니다.
신규등록은 하루 2명
딱 맞는 교재, 교사, 교수법으로 시작해야 결과가 확실합니다.
신규등록을 하루 2명으로 제한, 시작부터 꼼꼼히 챙기겠습니다.
'제자'를 향한 지원은 늘 OPEN
배움은 수업이 끝날 때가 아니라 학생이 깨달을 때 완성됩니다.
언제나 물어보세요. 학생 학업의 성공이 선생 인생의 성공입니다.